How to Set Up Per Product Shipping
with the Better Shipping App for Shopify

Learn how to use Better Shipping's per product shipping rates to charge shipping for each item in your customer's cart.
Simple price and weight rules have their place, but when you have a lot of different size products, or you have drop-shipping vendors, you need shipping control over each item. The is where Better Shipping's per product feature really shines.
With the per product shipping, you can charge add a shipping price for each item, and then the app will count the quantity in the cart and give a total combined shipping price at checkout.
If you need to have the shipping price increase for each item in the cart, and then for example have a shipping rule for free over $100, that is also no problem. Once the per product rates are calculated, you can then run the Better Shipping shipping rules after the per product calculation total to make any adjustments. These could be checking if a particular product is in the cart, or adding a free shipping rule for price/weight, or any extra handling charges.
The video below takes you through a first set-up in the app. We also have some new features not shown in the video, where you can now do per variant shipping as well. One extension to the per product rates is using discounted tiered rates based on how many of each item is in the cart. If that sounds like something you need, learn how to set up tiered shipping.
There are many more features that are not included in the video below. If there is something you want to do but can't see, and you can't find it in the documentation here, please don't hesitate to email us and ask.
If you’d like to get started setting up your shipping strategy with the Better Shipping App, take advantage of our 14-day free trial period! You can find Better Shipping on the Shopify App Store.
If you have any questions or need installation help, contact us. We are more than happy to help!