Better Shipping App Pricing

Choose the plan that best fits your business needs and start optimizing your shipping process today.

Free to try

  • Try the app in test mode before showing live rates to customers.

  • 500 orders included
  • Unlimited shipping rates at checkout
  • Unlimited shipping rules
  • Zip code restrictions
  • Per variant rates
  • Personalized support
14-day free trial

  • 1000 orders included
  • Unlimited shipping rates at checkout
  • Unlimited shipping rules
  • Zip code restrictions
  • Per variant rates
  • Personalized support
14-day free trial

  • 2500 orders included
  • Unlimited shipping rates at checkout
  • Unlimited shipping rules
  • Zip code restrictions
  • Per variant rates
  • Personalized support
14-day free trial

  • 10000 orders included
  • Unlimited shipping rates at checkout
  • Unlimited shipping rules
  • Zip code restrictions
  • Per variant rates
  • Personalized support
14-day free trial